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The PTA “UN-Fundraiser” is the only fundraiser where 100% of your donation goes DIRECTLY to the PTA budget. Your donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Your participation is completely voluntary; starting this UN-fundraiser at the beginning of the year helps us gauge how to budget our funds based on initial donations. 


Some of the activities PTA donations and fundraisers support are:

  • Teacher grants, classroom/school incentives, scholarships for field trips

  • Fun family activities (Chalk the Walk, Fall Festival, BINGO, etc…)

  • Teacher-luncheons, honor roll breakfasts, and so much more


There are 3 prizes, the winning classes get to choose their prize.

  1. PJ the DJ Dance Party with Mrs. Morrie 

  2. Silly String Mrs. Morrie

  3. Pizza and Popsicles with Mrs. Morrie 

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